As the Family Computer Doctor, I'm a specialist in dealing with Windows and Android-based devices. I do not service Apple, Mac or iPhone/iOS related devices. If you have a question about what I offer or what you need, please click the Contact Me button and ask your question and I'll get back to you as soon as possible with the specifics you are asking for.
I'm a mobile computer service. If you need me to come to your location and help you with your tech issue, $20 will bring me out and start work immediately on whatever you need me to do for you.
I work by the hour. I will do any number of issues you have need for me to do and do them as expeditiously as possible. I will take care of the issue(s), give you options, help you make the best choice possible, and do it all on your time frame and within your budget. Free estimates give. Minimum 1 hour.
Afraid you have been infected or infiltrated by unscrupulous individuals? I will remove any infected devices' problems and consult with you about how to prevent future problems.
In addition to doing data recovery myself, I also can refer customers whose data may require special attention to data recovery service providers who can physically scan and recover files from hard drives, SSD's, and USB thumb drives that otherwise may have unrecoverable files on them. I will help formulate a data recover plan including all associated costs so you know exactly what you are looking at to recover your precious data.
Computers have come down in price by a huge margin these days - new computers with decent specs can often be found for $300 to $500 where previously they would have cost over $1,000. If you want, I will find several potential computers that would fit your needs and budget and help you order the perfect system and, when it arrives, set it up for you and help get your data transferred across - no problem! Often you can go from an old dinosaur computer to a brand new one in less than 1 week and for less than $500 including the computer and all the set up time. Contact me for free estimates.
Slow computers can be the bane of your existence. How much time do you spend after clicking on something for the computer to actually do something? I can often help! I have a variety of tools in my tool belt that can include optimizing Windows, installing and transferring data from a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) to a brand-new Solid State Drive (SSD) that can be up to 10x faster - for only $40 plus computer time, and seeing if your computer needs more RAM to operate faster. I will also give you a detailed system analysis of your current system, expected life-span, and future options that you may want to consider at some point if your computer is on life-support and putting extra money into it would be better spent on replacing it with a faster and more reliable one down the road.