
Rob Bennett- The Family Computer Doctor.

My name is Rob Bennett and I am the Family Computer Doctor. I have worked in the tech industry since I was a kid playing around with my first Atari computer in the late 80's. In the 90's and 2000's, I went to work for WordPerfect Corporation doing tech support, worked for a Fortune 500 company flying around the country to support their product, administered networks for an office in the State of Utah and worked for a private non-profit providing 24x7 tech support for their operations. Since then, I have continued to develop and grow in the computer industry and have a solid knowledge of how they work and what we should be able to expect of them.

Computers have always fascinated me and I have been taking classes, reading books, pursuing certifications, and using practical experience to better my understanding of how they work and how they can make the world a better place. Not everyone shares this understanding or passion for computers that drives me to continually learn new cutting-edge and well-established technologies, and so I founded the Family Computer Doctor to bring my experience to those who need it.

Like the country doctors of old, I wanted to make a company that would actually come to your house or business, listen to your symptoms, check you out, consult a wide range of knowledge and experience and come up with a way to fix whatever is troubling you. That personalized service is something we have lost and that I want to bring back to the people of Salt Lake Valley in Utah where I perform my services. If you have a computer problem, you need someone to ask your questions to, and want that personal attention that I offer, then please contact me and let's set up an appointment for you to cure your tech issues and get you up and running again!